TIE 28 was formed in 1999. Three lads came from what once had been Stickboy. They wanted the audience swaying their hips and more groove at concerts. A rock band was born! Intensive rehearsing followed and a 6-track demo was recorded at Studio Spiff in spring -99.

The technician, a young rocker called Patrik Stenman finally joined the band after being drunk and continually asking the bandmembers if he could join. The trio was now a quartet. At Trästockfestivalen that very same year TIE 28 had their first gig with the present setting. In autumn -99 a new demo was made. The base elements were now recorded on what was to become the debut album Laguna Seca, named after an American racetrack.

A big majority of the band has a huge interest in sports, which gives you an idea about the band name. Rough guy Tie Domi plays in the NHL-team Maple Leafs wearing shirt number 28… Almost legendary Kjell Nästén at Rumble Road Studio recorded the album during three hectic weeks, March 2000.
pics: Åsa Wallin

Olov Öhman - vocals, bass
Andreas Lindqvist - drums
Johan Eriksson - guitar, vocals
Patrik Stenman - guitar

Sp.s 32 Loosing Face [CDS]
Sp.34 Laguna Seca [CD]








stickboy rules