Blue Eyed Blondes

As said earlier, we have a few new cumbers into the West Side family. One of them are Blue Eyed Blondes from Gothenburg, who will release their debut, a five track EP, next week, both as physical and digital. And since I don´t know so much about them, and probably neither do you, we asked… Continue reading Blue Eyed Blondes

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Soon April, and during that month we will give you three new releases, which all are debutants. So please stay tune for more information.

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Tomorrow (March 30) will we release the new Penniless single “Brothers” at a down-load store near you. If you are interested, you can always use this link;

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P3: Verket´s new single, as well as “Audrey” by Amber Oak are the songs from us that are on rotation at Swedish national radio P3 right now. And when talking about Amber Oak, I have to mention that they are on their way to finnish some new studio recordings, so hopefully you will hear new… Continue reading Untitled

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Tikkle Me

Physical release on wednesday, so be our guests and order this beautiful album right now;

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Make a real bargain

If you are interested, now is the time to check out our web-shop and buy yourself, or to a friend, some cool West Side Fabrication stuff at a very decent price. For instance, you can choose two albums from The Bear Quartet, as well as Mattias Alkbergs beautiful album “Ditt hjärta är en stjärna” plus… Continue reading Make a real bargain

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More to come

We´re right now in a hectic period, containing loads of new releases, both physical and digital. So far this year we have released new and great stuff from Amber Oak, Tikkle Me, Verket, Stolen Deer and next week the debut album from the cool electro-pop girly duo Tikkle Me will se the daylight. A week… Continue reading More to come

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Stolen Deer

As the second release in March we will give you these youngsters first physical release ever. Talking about Stolen Deer and their six track EP “And then you left”. An EP that reminds me of indie teenage angst. You could get hold of it through our web-store or at decent down-load stores, if you prefer… Continue reading Stolen Deer

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Our latest signing

Our latest signing are this brilliant electro duo Tikkle Me from Eskilstuna. There first release on West Side is a really cool song called “Butterflies in my tummy”. If you are interested, please use this link and get it yourself;

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