
If you want to get hold of the new and marvelous Mattias Alkberg album “Neverna” follow this link and order it right now for only 135 SEK.

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Andra känner

The new and highly superb Mattias Alkberg single “Andra känner” is out now. Get it yourself from iTunes or where ever, or if you want to support us even more, get from Klicktrack by using this link: And by the way, his new and forth solo album “Nerverna” will be out October 28.

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We are proud to present Verket, a new band from somewhere in the middle of Sweden. They have just released their debut single “Dom som blev över”. You can hear it at Swedish radio P3 right now! You can buy this great song at klicktrack, tell yoyr friends, listen to it on Spotify and check… Continue reading Verket

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