Gråt inte mer för mig Amerika

The new, nice and touching song from Rickard and the Jewels is here.

This is what the band has to say about the song:


Gråt inte mer för mig Amerika (Don ́t cry for my anymore America) – a love song
This song was written at home in the countryside on the Island of Orust, close to Gothenburg

on the west coast of Sweden, surrounded by the roaring sea.

Thinking back on things that happened and didn’t happen, things that went wrong and why they did, inspired me to grab the guitar and write this story down. I wrote the song as an acoustic ballad and then, together with my band, took it to the studios and added beautiful electronic sounds, choirs, electric guitars and bass rhythms. The result was very good. Our effort to give this song a touch of pain and sadness, yet beauty and hope was a success. We love it.

The song is about the falling of empires. The empire of love, the falling of love. But it is also a reflection of the status of today’s world. A world where things we thought we could take for granted is breaking down into pieces in front of us all.

How can things go so wrong, although we ́ve got what we need for a happy life? Although we know what we need?

When everything comes crashing down, we are all stunned by regret and confusion. Tears are spilled, but they don’t any longer have any meaning. So please “don ́t cry for me anymore America”. All is lost. America, a loved one or an empire.

But in the darkest hour of disappointment there is also the hope of a new beginning based in the good times that passed and in the memories of how things can be. If you just let your heart rest for a while, if you just don’t disturb the love that is still there, like a flickering light, maybe it can start shining brighter once again? And, like we sing in the chorus of the song: “The truth is I never left you”. Love has the power to prevail.

Rickard och Juvelerna has written a magnificent love song that really could reach out to many people. We can all relate to it, one way or the other. We can all learn from it, evolve from it and even heal with it.


Rickard och Juvelerna


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