A little chit chat with Pekka

Caught up with Pekka Alisaari, the guitarist, sometimes even the songwriter as well as singer, of Penniless for a couple of questions, since their new and fantastic album will be out September the 1st. So what´s the story behind “A Cab to the City”, what can we expect?

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Since its soon time for the new and marvelous Penniless album “A Cab to the City” (September the 1st) I have done some changes on our xprice page at the web-shop. New stuff there at a very decent price are of course Penniless previous album “The Attraction” as well as (just to name a few)… Continue reading SALE

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Order Bedroom Eyes album?

If you are interested, which I certainly hope you are, now you can order Bedroom Eyes truly wonderful album “The Long Wait Champion” from our own shop. Just follow this link; http://shop.textalk.se/en/article.php?id=395&art=5367512

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The first of September is the day when we will release the fifth album from finish Penniless. And let me put i clear to all of you; this particular album certainly includes some really great tunes. Been listing to it quite a bit lately and my personally favorites among the ten tracks are “Panic” and… Continue reading Penniless

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Next week

Next Wednesday, the 25th, will we release this beautiful pop album (see album cover below), which includes the so called hit single “Hand-In-Hand Grenade”. Certainly hope you all look forward to it since its just as lovely as it looks like. Further more, next week will we also send a song from Popterrors debut EP “Allt… Continue reading Next week

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What to come

So now I´m sort of back in business, and do this fall releases look great for us! First out is the debut album from Bedroom Eyes followed by our dear friends from Finland Penniless and their fifth album. But we wont stop there, no not at all. Because later in September we will release a… Continue reading What to come

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Trästock summery

Just a short statement from this weekend, since Trästockfestivalen is over and out for this year. Seven of our acts, as you probably know, did appear this year, among some other plus 70 acts. All seven handle it very well, truly, with an extra plus for Tikkle Me and Blue Eyed Blondes. And of course… Continue reading Trästock summery

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This forthcoming weekend, Thursday the 22nd until Saturday 24th, will the annual Trästockfestivalen be held in our hometown Skellefteå. The best none entrance fee festival in the kingdom of Sweden. And as always, besides loads of other great acts like Moneybrother, Markus Krunegård, Hästpojken etc etc, you can also see a bunch of West Side… Continue reading Trästockfestivalen

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Amber Oak

Just a short notice. Yesterday I finally got to hear the first taste from Amber Oaks forthcoming debut album, with a release sat in fall. And I can promise, it sounded really cool. So please stay tune for more information.

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Summer and everything is slow, but you just wait, soon its August and then we´ll kick start again.

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