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During this spring we have released quite a few debutantes, another one is Höstdroppar (Autumn Drops) that will give us a beautiful five track EP very soon indeed (release June 16). So therefor I thought I might ask them a couple of questions.

– First of all, Höstdroppar is a duo, what can you tell us about yourself?

– We are two impulsive, emotional and naive souls who never compromise with the lyrics or the melodies in our songs. Simplicity and straightness is the keyword if you ask me.

– Well I also know in fact that one part of you, Alexander, was indeed involved in tribute songs for both Örebro Hockey as well as for ÖSK. Are you generally interested in sports, or how did it happen that you became involved in these tribute songs?

– I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in sports. Mostly football. In the end it was still a combination of strong melodies and lyrics that involving people. It’s obviously a great honor to be given the opportunity to sing these two tribute songs.

 – I See, and talking about Örebro, what can you tell us about the music climate down there?

– Pop music has long been overshadowed by punk and a little harder rock but I have a feeling that more and more popbands are popping up, ha ha.

– Okay I see. Nevertheless, we should talk a little bit more about your (Höstdroppars) debut EP, a truly beautiful one if you ask me. In other words, what kind of expectations do you have on the release of your EP?

– Thank you. Glad to hear it! People always say that an EP is only an EP. We have not really thought so. It has been important for us to release something that we can really stand for. We are pleased with the results but also know that this only is the beginning. Our debut record is expected to be complete in the fall so you will hear more from us in the near future!

 – And there was no doubt that you would sing in Swedish, it was an obvious choice for you, or?

– No doubt, in contrast there is a large challenge. Everything becomes more difficult in Swedish. You cannot put in weary sentences you might have gotten away with if it were in English.

– True. So if you two had to agree on only one artist that you both would say was good enough to be mentioned here, who would it then become?

– Hurts, we sing out in choir!

– Aha, a British duo who sing quite sad songs, some similarities their perhaps? Don’t answer. Instead last question, since I’m curious, which one of the five tracks are your personally favorite and tell us why?

– “Död och Himlar”, we also sing out in choir! That’s the song that is most of what we said earlier. Straight, honest and emotional. A straight and powerful pop song simply said.

– Okay then we know a little bit more about Höstdroppar. Good luck with everything.

– Thax!

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