
A short text about the song;

“4 a.m, the words get too big for sure, especially for someone who can loose it all..”

Introducing the new “Rickard & Juvelerna” single “Havanna-himmel” (Havana skies).

A story about staying yet leaving. About losing yourself, and there bye winning something else.

A happy wish, an invitation.

To take that broken heart and throw it towards life itself.

To seek that great adventure in the small things just around the corner.

To take a stare at the sun, dance, scream and make a stand for what you believe in.

To let even the smallest happiness be a band aid kit for your worries and unfortune.

To never die before you have lived.


Or as Anders Wedin (Moneybrother) expresses it all;

“Richard and his old band Waterbug struck like lightning in front of me on Emmabodafestivalen -92. There was speculation whether they or Kent would be the next big thing.”

Now, quite a few years later, Rickard is back with their new, young, hungry, jewels.

Anders Wendin again:

”The image I carry with me by Rickard is the one I saw -92. Tough attitude and disrespect towards what everyone else was doing. Maybe that was why he took a 15 year break from the music. I’m so glad he’s back with this cruel damn song”

So to one and all, listen to this catchy GBG-tune, it’s well worth it.

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