As Phoenix the bird La Masa, or should I say La Masa of Sweden as the call themselves now a days since the changing of singing language and a bit of style, has risen again. Here you have the first taste, “Jimmie give up” from their forthcoming self titled album. Under the name La Masa these Gothenburg guys released two albums which included quite a few radio-singles such as “Flyttkartong”, “Min Megafon” “Tomhetens dunkla spår” just to name a few. Their new super-cool single “Jimmie give up” is satirical pop directed at the right-wing, xenophobic movement’s ugly face.
With its club beat and catchy chorus it pulls down the pants of Swedish right-wing politician Jimmie Åkesson and gives him a good spanking.
With the new single “Jimmie give up”, La Masa of Sweden exposes the obvious that only the little child in H.C. Andersen’s fairy tale dared to see – he is naked. Political pop at its best!