
Next week, on Tuesday, will we release the second single from Stairs. This new and dark one, “Best Believe”, is a truly amazing song which reminds a little of a mix between Kent and Depeche Mode. Great stuff if you ask med.

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At this very moment we are about to finalize the last details regarding a truly cool compilation for the net. Talking about “A West Side Fabrication play covers” where 15 of our acts have chosen their own personal track to contribute with. A possible release will be in mid/late November so stay tune for more… Continue reading News

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The Blues

Today is the day when a new super cool release from us will see the daylight. Talking about the superb debut from The Blues, a duo who have their base in Luleå (The Bear Quartet´s home-town). So if you are interested in something extra ordinary then you should check out their release “Mister Foreman”, a… Continue reading The Blues

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Valtider är lika med förmedling av budskap. Så här kommer ytterligare ett kampanjbidrag (sprid gärna): V Skolbusskort2014_20s   Sedan tidigare har vi denna: V 2014_30s

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The Long Wait Champion

When Spotify don´t give a fuck about the independents (my thoughts since they neglect to upload so much of our stuff), I can tell you that “The Long Wait Champion”, by Bedroom Eyes, is the (our) most scrolled album, without competition, on Last FM in the history of West Side, per week that is said.… Continue reading The Long Wait Champion

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Popterror are great, if you ask me.

The superb debut-EP “Allt vi gjort har du glömt” by Popterror is out know. Get it from a place you like or use any of these links below.

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Top 30

For the first time ever has Penniless made it in to the top 30 at the Finish charts. This with the release of the new album “A Cab to the City”. Good for us, even better for them. Let me also mention that the album is highly critical claimed in all the important papers. So… Continue reading Top 30

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In less than a week we will release Popterror´s marvelous four track EP debut “Allt vi gjort har du glömt”, from where Swedish national radio P3 have play listed “Det är nåt som händer”. Because of that I have asked Popterror´s Simon a couple of questions. So here we go; First of all, who are… Continue reading Popterror

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A Cab to the City

If you by any chance are in Finland the nearest time, perhaps you should spend a night at a club where Penniless will appear. With start tonight they will do a couple of gigs in their native country, to promote their new album and for the fun of playing live. Here is where they will… Continue reading A Cab to the City

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More Penniless

So now its up and running, the new a superb Penniless album “A Cab to the City”. Order it from a place near you or use any of these links below. And talking about Penniless, if you feel called upon, you can always help them by voting for them on this list: Order physical… Continue reading More Penniless

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